Taking out any kind of loan with a bad credit history can be quite difficult and sometimes it might even seem impossible. However, there is a solution if you’ve found yourself in this position. You can apply for a credit card which will let you slowly improve your financial history. With that said, we present some of the best German credit cards to fix a bad credit score.
Barclaycard Visa
A €0 annual fee is what makes the Barclaycard Visa card so appealing to many customers all over Germany. Even better, this credit card lets you pay for purchases around the world and withdraw money easily. It’s the perfect solution if you want to avoid various cash withdrawal fees and fees related to foreign currency. Note that some ATM companies can charge fees that are not reimbursable by Barclaycard.
Among the benefits of using this credit card is the option for partial payments. Furthermore, there’s a monthly refund available through direct debit, which gives you at least €50 back or 3.5% of your total card balance. Another important feature of the Barclaycard Visa is that you can get 100% compensation for sales back at any time with online banking, whether done with free direct debit or bank transfer. Contactless payment is also provided to holders and an audio or visual signal will confirm your payment in a few seconds, while a signature or PIN is no longer necessary for purchases under €50. Those ,who need to include family members or spouses, can do so with this card for up to 3 people. (1)
TF Bank Mastercard Gold
A free credit card with added travel insurance for the holder and his family like the TF Bank MasterCard Gold is ideal for those that travel a lot and need their payments abroad to be free of additional fees. Most impressively, all that and a €0 annual fee, along with a free invoice, is available to every new member. TF Bank gives you flexible options for refunds and a 51-day 0% interest rate on all purchases. The nominal rate for purchase of goods is 17.58% per year afterward while withdrawing cash comes with a nominal interest rate of 17.85% per year. (2) Close to 2 million ATMs support this card, as well as some 20 million chops and online stores across the globe.
DKB Cash Credit Card
The DKB Cash credit card (VISA) is a free card because it offers free worldwide payments. If you accumulate €700 in monthly payments, you can earn each of this card’s benefits permanently. Holders can easily withdraw money from any ATM across the world and pay for goods and services wherever a VISA card is accepted as a form of payment. Another perk is being able to manage your account with a free app, along with the option to have a call account and overall take advantage of an interest rate of 0.01% for €100,000, and 0% above that figure.
Additionally, this card can be used online for free money transfers or to withdraw cash in person from certain retail shops without fees, as well as for contactless payment in Europe in one million places for purchases up to €25 without having to enter a PIN. (3)
Genial Card
Another free credit card, the Genial card can be obtained from the Hanseatic Bank and comes with quite a few benefits. For example, there are no annual fees, or card fees, when traveling abroad, or fees for cash withdrawals on ATMs. Your payments can be customized and paid off in installments, while the monthly interest rate comes in at 3% or at least €20. Additionally, cardholders can transfer money to a checking account and pick the type of refund they desire. (4)
Visa World Card
Secure worldwide purchases online and in stores is what the Visa World Card provides its customers. To use this credit card you don’t have to have a checking account, and it comes with fraud protection and delivery guarantees, as well as online credit card statements and a history of sales. Paying with the Visa World Card is quick, easy, and secure, wherever you are in the world. You can buy clothes, book a hotel, pay for a vacation, or a coffee at a gas station without any problem.
Before choosing your next credit card, it’s best that you research online and compare multiple options. While the offers presented above are among the best credit cards in Germany to fix bad credit, you might also find other cards with terms more suitable for your specific situation.
- https://www.barclaycard.de/
- https://www.kreditkarte.net/kreditkarten-angebote/tf-bank-mastercard-gold/
- https://www.kreditkarte.org/girokonto-kreditkarte/dkb-kreditkarte
- https://www.hanseaticbank.de/kreditkarte/genialcard
- https://www.visaworldcard.de/