Applying for a credit card when you have a low credit score is likely to cause stress and confusion. Having a bad financial history can also make it hard to get approved for various loans and leave you with few alternatives. The solution is to make regular payments on a credit card and slowly build your score back up. Luckily, you can choose from a number of different cards to fix bad credit in France. Some of the best are listed below.
Boursorama Bank ULTIM
The ULTIM is a free card from Boursorama Bank that lets you make free withdrawals and payments abroad. (1) Moreover, you also get exclusive warranties and a number of other important perks, such as access to several products and online services from the Boursorama Bank. Most importantly, the ULTIM credit card lets you travel with a peace of mind and ensures that each customer can pay for their needs on the go. Additionally, a cardholder can track and check all their payments online through a site or an app.
Visa Premier Boursorama Card
If you’re looking for a more high-end credit card, the Visa Premier Boursorama Card is perhaps the best choice for you in France. To get this card, you don’t have to pay anything upfront, but you do have to already have an open account with Boursorama bank. (2)
The best thing about this Premier Card is that each customer has much more freedom, as far as payments and withdrawals are concerned. For instance, you can withdraw as much as 920 euros per week. Withdrawals are free when using EuroZone and no charge is applied when this card is renewed.
Additionally, Boursorama provides insurance for your whole family with their Visa Premier card, for both your wife or husband and children below 24 years of age. Children are also insured while traveling abroad, but only if they’re younger than 24.
ING MasterCard Gold
People with bad credit history, on the lookout for the right card, can get an incredible package if they apply for the ING MasterCard Gold. It gives you more convenience and freedom, along with other important benefits. Namely, the ING Gold card provides impressive coverage and a high spending limit in comparison to other similar cards. It’s also safe and secure, as it offers insurance for all your payments and transactions. (3) There’s even a cancellation guarantee when you’re traveling abroad.
Carte Visa Premier BforBank
Bad credit history in France can also be repaired with the Carte Visa Premier from BforBank. It comes free of charge, so you don’t have to pay anything when you apply, before receiving this credit card.
This BforBank credit card offers a variety of advantages, including various payment and withdrawal benefits. The card also includes insurance for the cardholder and his immediate family, which is invaluable when traveling and brings peace of mind. (4) The Carte Visa Premier, travel insurance covers, among others, four things important for every traveler:
- Airplane delay guarantee.
- Rental vehicle warranty.
- Trip Cancellation.
- Baggage delay guarantee.
Gold CB MasterCard France
Our last card on the list is just as good as the rest, if you want to fix bad credit in France. The Gold CB MasterCard France card offers high credit limits to all customers, both for purchases and withdrawals. Apart from that, there’s a whole package of assistance and insurance guarantees that might win you over and make you apply for this MasterCard.
Access to various discounted offers and enticing experiences comes with this card through the PriceLess Paris program. You can take advantage of this program both by visiting Paris for a trip and with everyday purchases and payments. (5)
Lastly, travelers with the Gold CB card can travel with ease and in peace as it comes with excellent insurance that covers theft, damage for rented vehicles, and for your stays in hotels.
This travel insurance extends to your family and is valid worldwide. You are covered for hospitalization and medical costs, medical repatriation, and so on.
We believe that anyone can fix bad credit history in France with one of the cards from our list above. However, it’s also important to do your research and look for more offers online while comparing the pros and cons. There might be offers that better suit your specific circumstances and spending needs, so it’s important to explore them before coming to a final decision.